
Billing & Insurance

Thank you for choosing BHSH for your care. We are committed to providing the best possible care and are pleased to discuss our fees with you at any time.

BHSHl has established a price for each procedure and adheres to that price regardless of minor variations in supplies. Our hospital fees include items such as the cost of the procedure, operating room, supplies, equipment, medication, recovery care, ancillary charges, and any overnight room charges. Depending on additional services needed in providing you with quality care, you may also receive separate bills from us for ancillary charges such as lab work, hospitalist care, anesthesiology, imaging services, and radiology. Our fees do not include charges from your surgeon and other physicians or facilities outside of BHSH.

Additionally, our pricing for many of our procedures is significantly lower than our competitors. In the event you should find lower pricing, please call us to determine if a price match is available (605) 721-4973. Following is information about our prices:

  • For inpatient care, Click here to review the State’s disclosure of hospital pricing.
  • For imaging services, Click here to see a listing of MRI and CT scans. Please note, most hospitals charge extra for contrast (supplies) used in conjunction with the scan and for the radiologist’s interpretation fee. These costs are included in our fee quotes.
  • For outpatient surgery and other procedures, please call us for price quotes. Due to the variability in types of procedures, we want to be sure to provide you with the correct price based on the specific procedure your physician recommends.

If you have further questions, please feel free to call us at (605)721-4900 / (800) 818-1890 or we can be reached by email at [email protected]. If you have questions regarding the physician’s fees, please direct those to the physician’s office..

Below are frequently asked questions/topics about billing and insurance. Simply click on the question/topic of interest and you will be taken to the answer.

Am I responsible for my bill?
Yes. Upon admittance you are responsible for your bill. Though we will first bill your insurance, any portion of your bill not covered by insurance is your responsibility. As with any bill, we expect to receive payment in a timely manner. In the case of a minor (under the age of 18), whoever is listed as the Guarantor on the account is the person responsible for the bill.
How do I submit a bill to my insurance?
Per your approval, Black Hills Surgical Hospital will submit a claim, on your behalf, to any insurance you provide at the time of admission. This may include commercial, governmental, work comp, motor vehicle, and third-party liability coverage. We will submit to all insurance carriers you have provided. After your insurance has processed your claim(s), you will then receive a billing statement from Black Hills Surgical Hospital for any remaining balance due. This remaining balance may include co-pays, deductible, co-insurance, and/or non-covered charges. If you have questions regarding your insurance claim, you may contact your insurance company directly to check on the status of your claim or you may also contact our Billing and Reimbursement department and we may be able to answer your questions (605) 721-4900.
What if I don't have insurance?
Black Hills Surgical Hospital does not deny anyone services for their inability to pay. However, we recommend that you call our Billing and Reimbursement office to get an estimated cost of your scheduled services and payment options. Also keep in mind, we do not quote fees for your physician charges,.You will need to contact their office for that information and to arrange any payment options with them. Additionally, we have partnered with AccessOne. AccessOne can provide you with low interest financing options that will allow you to pay over time. The National Association of Health Underwriters offers a user-friendly Web site that provides information about private health insurance coverage, as well as the many public and private programs available to Americans to help them obtain the medical care they need. You can even search for information by state—visit www.nahu.org/consumer/guides.cfm for more information.
Financial Assistance Program
If you are unable to pay your bill and are not eligible for government programs, Black Hills Surgical Hospital offers a financial assistance program. To qualify, you will be asked to provide financial information regarding your income, financial assets, and liabilities on a financial application form . We use The Department of Health and Human Services Federal Poverty Guidelines to determine a person’s eligibility for financial assistance. Please contact us at (605) 721-4900 for additional information.
Release of Health Information
To obtain a copy of your medical records or to authorize Black Hills Surgical Hospital to disclose specified protected health information, simply click here for our Release of Information Form, fill it out, save it, and email to [email protected] or fax to 605-721-4948 attention Release of Information. For your convenience, we also have a patient portal that will provide you access to your patient record electronically. Having this electronic access through your personal, secured e-mail will allow you, as the patient, the ability to review your medical history with our facility. A current e-mail address on file with us is required to access the portal. If you have not provided us an e-mail address, please contact the Health Information Management department at 721-4969 so that we may add an e-mail to your account. Click here to view the step-by-step guide to set up your new account as well as frequently asked questions. To request access to the portal, please email us at [email protected] To access the portal, click this link : https://www.mymedicalencounters.com For any medical record or patient portal questions or concerns, please call the Health Information Management department at 721-4969.
Do I need pre-certification/pre-authorization for my services?
Our pre-admissions department will pre-certify/pre-authorize your services at BHIC/BHSH based on the information given by your provider and/or you. The most common pre-certification/authorization service(s) include but are not limited to: Any overnight stays Worker’s compensation I.H.S. Tricare VA Although we are familiar with the most common services that require pre-certification/pre-authorization, if you are unsure whether your services have been pre-certified/pre-authorized you may call us at (605) 721-4973 and/or your insurance company.