Thank you for choosing BHSH for your care. We are committed to providing the best possible care and are pleased to discuss our fees with you at any time.
BHSHl has established a price for each procedure and adheres to that price regardless of minor variations in supplies. Our hospital fees include items such as the cost of the procedure, operating room, supplies, equipment, medication, recovery care, ancillary charges, and any overnight room charges. Depending on additional services needed in providing you with quality care, you may also receive separate bills from us for ancillary charges such as lab work, hospitalist care, anesthesiology, imaging services, and radiology. Our fees do not include charges from your surgeon and other physicians or facilities outside of BHSH.
Additionally, our pricing for many of our procedures is significantly lower than our competitors. In the event you should find lower pricing, please call us to determine if a price match is available (605) 721-4973. Following is information about our prices:
If you have further questions, please feel free to call us at (605)721-4900 / (800) 818-1890 or we can be reached by email at [email protected]. If you have questions regarding the physician’s fees, please direct those to the physician’s office..
Below are frequently asked questions/topics about billing and insurance. Simply click on the question/topic of interest and you will be taken to the answer.