Conditions of the ear. You may need to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor if you have an ear disorder or condition, such as a hearing impairment, ear infections, disorders that affect balance, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), or pain in your ear. ENT specialists can also treat congenital disorders of the ear (disorders you were born with).
Conditions of the nose. ENT specialists often manage and treat problems that affect the nose, nasal cavity, and sinuses. These problems can affect smell, breathing, and physical appearance.
Conditions of the throat. Disorders and conditions that affect the throat can affect speech, singing, eating, swallowing, and digestion. ENT specialists can diagnose, manage, and treat these problems.
ENT-related conditions of the head and neck. ENT specialists are trained to manage diseases, tumors, trauma, and deformities of the head, neck, and face. ENT specialists can perform cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in these areas. They can also manage problems with the nerves in the head and neck that control sight, smelling, hearing, and facial movements.